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New comparative genomics approach reveals a conserved health span signature across species

New comparative genomics approach reveals a conserved health span signature across species


Environmental and genetic interventions extend health span in a range of organisms by triggering changes in different specific but complementary pathways. We investigated the gene expression changes that occur across species when health span is extended via different interventions. To perform this comparison using heterogeneous datasets from different measurement platforms and organisms, we developed a novel non-parametric methodology that can detect statistical significance of overlaps in ranked lists of genes, and estimate the number of genes with a common expression profile. By comparing genetic and environmental interventions that consistently lead to increased health span in invertebrates and vertebrates we built a conserved health span signature and described how such a signature depends on tissue type. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between calorie restriction and resveratrol administration and for the first time, identified common gene and pathway changes in calorie restriction and resveratrol in both invertebrates and mammals. Our approach can thus be used to explore and better define the relationships between highly complex biological phenomena, in this case those that affect the health and longevity.


Aging is a very complex phenotype: it can assume different forms in different species, individuals, and tissues, and its mechanisms are multiple, complex and stochastic in nature. Several interventions that extend life span in many organisms have been identified, including environmental factors, genetic manipulations and drugs. It is thought that these diverse interventions share some common pathways through which they extend life span.

Dietary restriction (DR) has been shown to consistently improve health-span in many model organisms [12]. Several studies have attempted to identify genes responsible for extending lifespan through dietary restriction, but such efforts have been hindered by the overwhelming number of gene expression changes induced by the change in diet, the majority of which are unlikely to be causal factors of the longevity response. Of the genetic manipulations that are known to extend lifespan, many have been associated, at least partially, to the DR longevity pathway [13-5]. In a previous study, we demonstrated that it is possible to identify common gene signatures and a novel longevity gene by comparing gene expression changes in DR and in interventions that are known to be related to DR [6]. One of the genes used in that study, Sir2 in Drosophila melanogaster and its mammalian homolog Sirt1, has been extensively studied in the field because of its role in reducing age-related pathologies in a wide range of organisms [78]. In fruit flies Sir2 has been identified as an important mediator of DR-induced physiological and longevity responses [910]. More recently, the small molecule resveratrol, a Sirt1 activator, has been shown to induce a longevity response in yeast [11], the worm and fruit fly [12], and increase the health span in mouse [1314]. However, the specific mechanism through which resveratrol and other small molecule activators of Sirt1 induce such beneficial effects is still controversial [1115-22].

In this study, we combined available gene expression profiling datasets to study the similarities in the transcriptional changes induced by DR, Sir2 overexpression and resveratrol administration in D. melanogaster and in the mouse. Because of the heterogeneity of the datasets used, which have been generated in different laboratories, using different protocols and analysis pipelines, we developed a novel non-parametric statistical approach to compare gene lists from different experiments. This new algorithm does not rely on the choice of a threshold for the statistical parameters used in detecting differential expression, but rather tries to gain power from the gene list in one experiment to inform gene selection in a different experiment.

oncotarget impact factor Zoya Demidenko Dr. Zoya N. Demidenko Zoya N. Demidenko , Ph.D. is Executive Manager of the Oncotarget journal . Oncotarget publishes high-impact research papers of general interest and outstanding significance and novelty in all areas of biology and medicine: in translational, basic and clinical research including but not limited to cancer research, oncogenes, oncoproteins and tumor suppressors, signaling pathways as potential targets for therapeutic intervention, shared targets in different diseases (cancer, benign tumors, atherosclerosis, eukaryotic infections, metabolic syndrome and other age-related diseases), chemotherapy, and new therapeutic strategies. After earning her Ph.D. in molecular biology, Zoya was awarded a Fogarty post-doctoral Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. After successful completion of post-doctoral training, she continued her professional career at George Washington University and Albert Einstein School of Medicine . In 2005 she cofounded the startup company Oncotarget Inc. which is focused on the development of anti-aging and anti-cancer drugs. Her research interests include signal transduction, cell cycle and cellular senescence, and their pharmacological targeting. In 2009 she cofounded the publishing house Impact Journals which specializes in publishing scientific journals. In 2011 she was selected to be a Member of the National Association of Professional Women .

Mikhail (Misha) V. Blagosklonny graduated with an MD and PhD from First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Mikhail V. Blagosklonny has then immigrated to the United States, where he received the prestigious Fogarty Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health. During his fellowship in Leonard Neckers’ lab at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), he was a co-author of 18 publications on various biomedical themes, including targeting HSP90, p53, Bcl2, Erb2, and Raf-1. He also was the last author for a clinical phase I/II trial article. 
After authoring seven papers during a brief yet productive senior research fellowship in the El-Deiry Cancer Research Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Blagosklonny returned to NCI to work with Tito Fojo. Together, they published 26 papers. Moreover, Dr. Blagosklonny published many of experimental research papers and theoretical papers as sole author. The abovementioned sole-author articles discussed two crucial topics. The first of these discussed selectively killing cancer cells with deregulated cell cycle or drug resistance via verifying their resistance. The outcomes and underlying notion were so revolutionary that they were incorrectly cited by other scientists as “reversal of resistance,” even though the publication was titled, “Exploiting of drug resistance instead of its reversal.” One big supporter of this concept was the world-famous scientist Arthur Pardee, with whom Dr. Blagosklonny co-authored a joint publication in 2001.
The second theme throughout Dr. Blagosklonny’s sole-author articles is a research method to develop knowledge by bringing several facts together from seemingly irrelevant areas. This results in new notions with testable forecasts, which in turn can be “tested” via analyzing the literature further. Likewise, the concept was co-authored by Arthur Pardee in a 2002 article in Nature. The first success of the new research methodology was the description of the feedback regulation of p53, as confirmed by the discovery of mdm2/p53 loop; and the explanation why mutant p53 is always overexpressed, published in 1997. The most important result revealed by Dr. Blagosklonny’s research methodology is the hyperfunction (or quasi-programmed) theory of aging and the revelation of rapamycin as an exclusively well-tolerated anti-aging drug, published in 2006. As mentioned in Scientific American, Michael Hall, who discovered mTOR in 1991, gives Dr. Blagosklonny credit for “connecting dots that others can’t even see.”
In 2002, Dr. Blagosklonny became associate professor of medicine at New York Medical College. He agreed to accept responsibilities as a senior scientist at Ordway Research Institute in Albany, New York, in 2005, before receiving another position at Roswell Park Cancer Institute as professor of oncology in 2009.
Since coming to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in 2009, Dr. Blagosklonny has studied the prevention of cancer (an age-related disease) via stopping organism aging - in other words, “preventing cancer via staying young.” His laboratory closely worked together with Andrei Gudkov’s and conducted research on the suppression of cellular senescence, namely suppression of cellular conversion from healthy quiescence to permanent senescence. This led to the discovery of additional anti-aging medicines beyond rapamycin. The cell culture studies were complemented by studies in mice, including several models like normal and aging mice, p53-deficient mice, and mice on a high-fat diet.
Dr. Blagosklonny has also published extensively on the stoppage of cellular senescence via rapamycin and other mTOR inhibitors, life extension and cancer stoppage in mice, and combinations of anti-aging medicines to be taken by humans. A rapamycin-based combination of seven clinically available medications has been named the “Koschei Formula” and is now used for the treatment of aging in patients at the Alan Green Clinic in Little Neck, New York. 


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